Just when Dolly was about to get more information about their relationship in addition to the relationships between other students at the playground, she heard devastating news that the vice principal Lely would be demolishing the playground within the next 2 weeks. That 2 weeks is also the same period Dolly has to present her final project to the catalog team. Dolly risked her position in the team to take this time in stopping the demolishment of the playground. The reasoning for the demolishment was to focus students on their studies, but Dolly believed that then that will demolish all relationships between students as well just how Sop and Tike became.

However, before Dolly could get any resources and help for the project, an unnamed hierarchy puts dozens of animal students to prohibition and removes Lely from her position as vice principal. The new vice principal Nada comes into the school with her secretary, who seem to be hiding something from the students. Nada was also a friend of Lely once, but they seem to have something in between them as well.